The worst thing a person can do when they lose weight is revert back to their old eating habits that got them fat in the first place. Dodging the lure of fat, sugar and other appetite triggers is just as important as making healthy choices when you decided to lose weight. Healthy weight loss is an accomplishment worth celebrating, but if you choose to do it by going back to junk food, you'll find yourself fat again...and fast!
You might be surprised to know that certain foods you may think are healthy are the same foods that can sabotage all of your healthy weight loss efforts. If you want to keep that slender figure you worked so hard for, you must lead a healthy lifestyle and stay away from the following foods.
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Healthy Weight Loss Sabotage Food #1: Trigger Foods
Eating certain foods will make you even more hungry. These appetite stimulating foods are designed to make you want to devour a whole box, package or bag in one sitting. Remember the slogan for Lays potato chips? If not, it went like this: You can't eat just one! That is nothing but the absolute truth, twisted to their benefit, but true!
Chips, and any food that has been stripped of its fiber turn to sugar quickly in the body, hit your bloodstream rapidly and cause your blood sugar to soar sky high. In response to that sugar surge, your body churns out so much that it drives your blood sugar below where it was before you ate anything. When blood sugar is low, you feel hungry and in need of more of the same kind of food.
Healthy Weight Loss Sabotage Food #2: High Fat and Sugar Foods
Choosing to eat foods with high sugar and fat content can wreak havoc on your attempts to manage your weight. Ever eat a donut and wonder why you feel tired a half hour later? When a food contains both fat and sugar, as many trigger foods do, it provides a rush and then lets you down even lower than before you took your first bite.
Natural foods like fruits and vegetables are digested more slowly and will cause fewer spikes in your blood sugar. This is something that you will have to really make a conscious effort to do. It's a lot easier to grab a doughnut at the office than it is to pack a snack bag full of carrots. However, once you train yourself to lose your fat and sugar tooth, you will be in better control of your cravings.
Healthy Weight Loss Sabotage Food #3: Animal Products
Contrary to popular belief, the protein found in animal products will not satisfy your hunger drive. Beef, poultry, pork, and fish contain exactly 0% carbohydrates. If you lost weight on a high protein diet sourced by animal products, you are not getting enough unrefined carbs, responsible for triggering your brain to tell you when to stop eating. This is not a good thing when it comes to animal products.
Animal products, even the lean ones, contain artery-clogging, disease-causing saturated fat and cholesterol. Animal meat can quickly hike up those fat calories just like most dairy products, sabotaging weight loss and weight maintenance. Want to get lots of protein without all the side effects of animal products? Try anything with soy. It's all-natural and the healthiest choice for maintaining an ideal weight.
Healthy Weight Loss Sabotage Food #4: Cheese
Because dairy products are packed with fat, they are your enemies in the weight loss game. Most cheeses are 70% fat or more, and fat-free version is probably loaded with a whole bunch of preservatives that make it unhealthy. Animals get their calcium for strong bones and teeth from plants, so why shouldn't people do the same.? Unrefined plant foods contain all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and micro-nutrients you need, including calcium. Nature is smart for our benefit.
Healthy Weight Loss Sabotage Food #5: Alcohol
Not only does alcohol contain extra calories that you don't get from choosing other drinks, but it also triggers the desire to eat snack foods. These two work hand in hand. Why do you think bartenders set bowls of free pretzels and peanuts out for their customers? Because the more you eat these salty, unhealthy foods, the more you want to drink, and vice versa. Do yourself a favor and keep your alcohol consumption to the occasional drink every few months.
Healthy weight loss and maintenance doesn't work for most people because they are unwilling to change their lifestyle. It is not an easy thing to do, but it's a must if you want to get off the emotional and physical roller coaster of yo-yo dieting. Once your weight is off and you are making healthy eating decisions on a daily basis, you won't even want to revert back to your old habits. All that is required is a strong enough desire and a commitment to follow through. For things to change, you've got to change.
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